The objective of PSI Europe Ltd. is to engage efficiently, responsibly and profitably.

We aim to participate in the search and development of other possibilities to meet evolving customer needs and the world’s growing demand. We believe that our products and services will be integral to the global needs for many decades to come.


A certified and responsible approach is required to ensure that the systems, software and configurations we use are working properly and that they are free of errors that may have an impact on the security of the operation or our data.

The methods we use reveal vulnerabilities in the area under examination, without risking business continuity, so the infrastructure can be used safely during and after testing.

Some of the tests are performed manually, which also gives us the opportunity to look at the architecture of the system in more than just one logical way. The automated testing technologies we use can be applied to servers, endpoints and even web applications and websites, on wired or wireless networks.

We keep a strict log of what we find during testing and then pass it on to the IT manager to address any points we consider weak. We propose solutions which are developed by our highly skilled colleagues in line with the latest IT security standards.

Why is this necessary?

Security breaches and other related service or system outages can cause financial damage to your organization, but also risk a loss of trust, which could significantly impact your organization’s reputation.

Penetration testing is also a good way for an organization to assess and identify the external and internal threats to its network, applications, endpoints and users. Our colleagues can help you prioritize the results, based on which parts of the network are critical.

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